Shoulder Arthroscopy
Listed below is the step by step procedure of shoulder arthroscopy:
1. What is Shoulder Arthroscopy?
2. Why is Shoulder Arthroscopy Required?
3. Pre-operative Preparation
4. Day Before Surgery
5. Procedure Day
6. Methods/Techniques of Shoulder Arthroscopy
7.Post Procedure
8.Risks and Complications
What is Shoulder Arthroscopy?
Shoulder arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure performed on the shoulder joint to repair its damaged portions. The surgery takes less than two hours to complete and is less painful than traditional open shoulder surgery. Also, the surgical procedure is minimally invasive, the recovery period is reduced. It is not a complex type of surgery and is a common treatment approach to cure severe shoulder pain.
Why is Shoulder Arthroscopy Required?
If you are suffering from immense shoulder pain that does not get cured in spite of medications, injections and non-surgical treatments, the doctor may recommend shoulder arthroscopy. Generally, due to age and injury, shoulder muscles get ripped and that can cause severe pain. Inflammation of shoulder joint may cause stiffness, pain and swelling. There are several reasons why a person becomes a candidate for shoulder arthroscopy surgery. Below mentioned are some of the common reasons which make the doctor recommend you to undergo this surgery:
1. Damaged or torn ligaments and cartilage ring (labrum)
2. Damaged or torn bicep (muscle located in the front of upper arm) tendons. There are two tendons attached to the bicep muscle. One attaches the bicep muscle to the bones of the shoulder while the other attaches the muscle to radius bone at the elbow. If any of these tendons get broken or torn, surgery is required to fix them.
3. Shoulder instability that can be explained as shoulder joint becoming loose and sliding too much or getting dislocated.
4. Loose tissue which causes pain and needs to be removed
5.Broken or damaged rotator cuff
6.Inflammation or bone spur around rotator cuff
7.Damaged or inflamed lining of the shoulder joint that may be caused due to rheumatoid arthritis
8. Arthritis of clavicle (collarbone)
9. If you are experiencing problem to move your shoulder around, it could be because of less space. Hence, surgery could be performed to make more room for shoulder joint to move effectively around.